------------------------ ------------------------------ MasterHero Mod Multiplayer Requirments :- ------------------------ ------------------------------ - All Players have to choose "Multi/Single Player Mode" of "Game Mode - game.dat Switcher" found in the launcher - All Players must click on "Auto-Clean Multiplayer Files" Button < Found in the Launcher under "Settings" Tab - All players in a multiplayer game must have the same Expansions enabled - Also the same Theme enabled - And the same Hordes Style enabled also - All players must Connect to the same network in order to play offilne multiplayer (LAN) - Shared LAN Network programs like (hamachi, gameranger .. etc) can be used also - All players must have internet connection obviously - Multiplayer is still playable if no internet connection and all players are connected to the same LAN network ( cant work with hamachi, gameranger... etc )